Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How to Change the template of your blog and make it looks like a Professional Website?

Simply , Every people has desire to make their own websites. But many of thems may not write the codes and know about making a website themsleves. But with the blogger facility, People's desires to make their own website  for publishing thier articles and contents is fulfilled. But the temlates provided by the blogger are classical types only. You maight have thought to change the appearance of blog and make it looks like a responsive modern website and its good news for you that you can fulfill this desire easily with some simple steps below:

1. Go to blogger Dashboard and click on Template option .
2.You can see "Backup/ restore" on the left side of top of your screen., Just click on it.
3.It is good to restore your previous template first.
4.Now, upload your own Responsive and modern temlates( templates should be in ".xml" extension.) of your desire from your PC. and you will get your desired design of blogger or website. You can modify it in layout section by adding or editing some widgets.

The templates can be found on websites to download. I will suggest you to download it from Btemplates.com. or themesxpose


Saturday, November 19, 2016

Nepali Gazal | Chhaani Chaani Nirdoshlaai (छानी छानी निर्दोषलाई) | Bigyan Darshan

छानी छानी निर्दोषलाई ताकिन्छ यहाँ,
यसरी नै नेपाल देश हाँकिन्छ यहाँ

अरु चन्द्रमा छुन सफल भइ रहँदा,
बन्द हड्ताल सफल पार्न डाकिन्छ यहाँ

आमाको आँचल खोसिदा केही बोलिदैन,
तर गोर्खाली हुँ भनी फलाकिन्छ यहाँ

'अब सारा गरिबको गाँसको जिम्मा मेरो'
अरे बोलीले त संसारै ढाकिन्छ यहा

शान्तिको नाममा , धर्म निरपेछ्यता भन्दै,
बुध्द दर्शन कुनातिर जाकिन्छ यहाँ

Friday, November 18, 2016

History of Computer in Nepal

There is not a long history of computers in Nepal.Nepal hired some types of calculators and computers for it's census calculation.  In 2018 BS an electronic calculator called "Facit" was used for census.· In 2028 BS census IBM 1401 a second generation mainframe computer was used.. The goverhment had paid Rs 125000 per month as rent for this computer.                                            

In 2031 BS a center for Electronic Data Processing, Later renamed to National Computer Center(NCC),was established for national data processing and computer training. In 2038 BS ICL 2950/10 a second generation mainframe computer was used for census. Now-a-days probably each and every institutions,business organizations,communication centers,ticket counters etc are using computers..                                

The history of computer in Nepal is not that old since Nepal has not given any contribution in the development of evolution of computer. It was in 2028 B.S. when HMG brought IBM 1401 (a Second Generation computer) on rent for Rs. 1 lakhs and 25 thousand per month to process census data. Later the computer was bought by National Computer Center (NCC). In 2038 B.S., a fourth generation computer was imported with the aid of UNDP and UNFPA from England for 20 lakhs US dollars. Its name was ICL 2950/10. This computer had 64 terminals and it is kept in museum now.
At that time British Government helped to develop manpower of NCC. In the meantime Nepalese students went to India, Thailand and USA for the computer education themselves. In 2039 B.S., microcomputers such as Apple, Vector, Sins, etc were imported by private companies and individuals. Many private companies like Computer Consultancy (CC), Management Information Processing System (MIPS), Data System International (DSI), etc were established. Such private companies started selling computers and training people in other to produce manpower in Nepal itself. 
Nowadays, computers with faster processing and larger storage are found cheaply in Nepalese market. Students are given computer education from school leve
Nowadays, computers with faster processing and larger storage are found cheaply in Nepalese market. Students are given computer education from school level. At present Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) is the governing body of Nepal.

In 1994, Mercantile Office Systems and Royal Nepal Academy of Scient and Technology contracted an Internet feed from a site in India. Since the transmission was over cable, the quality of the line was VERY poor and the UUCP connection was not reliable. It was not uncommon to try several hundred time to retrieve a few messages from the spooled computer in India. This effort was commercialized although there were significant losses. However, the CEO, Mr Sanjib Raj Bhandari considered it a necessary investment for the future of internetworking in Nepal                                 

Also in 1994 Sanjay Manandhar volunteered to set up a private net called HealthNet for Satellife in Cambridge, US. It was started using the same UUCP technology. However, the mail exchange was with a computer in Cambridge, US over good international lines. Hence, the throughput and reliability was good and several hospitals and doctors were, therefore, connected to the network of healthcare providers in the world. 
As of January 1996 only these two nets allowed limited access (email and some newsgroups) to the Internet. Mercantile was experimented and later provided more Internet functionality such as file-transfer (ftp), remote logging in (telnet), etc. but did not have enough bandwidth to provide WWW commercially.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality typically refers to the computer technologies that use software to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that replicate a real environment (or create an imaginary setting), and simulate a user's physical presence in this environment, by enabling the user to interact with this space and any objects depicted therein using specialized display screens or projectors and other devices. Virtual reality  has been defined as "...a realistic and immersive simulation of a three-dimensional environment, created using interactive software and hardware , and experienced or controlled by movement of the body"[1] or as an "immersive, interactive experience generated by a computer".[2] A person using virtual reality equipment is typically able to "look around" the artificial world, move about in it and interact with features or items that are depicted on a screen or in goggles. Virtual realities artificially create sensory experiences, which can include sight, touch, hearing, and, less commonly, smell. Most 2016-era virtual realities are displayed either on a computer monitor, a projector screen, or with a virtual reality headset (also called head-mounted display or HMD). HMDs typically take the form of head-mounted goggles with a screen in front of the eyes. Some simulations include additional sensory information and provide sounds through speakers or headphones. Virtual Reality actually brings the user into the digital world by cutting off outside stimuli. In this way user is solely focusing on the digital content.
Some advanced haptic systems in the 2010s now include tactile information, generally known as force feedback in medical, video gaming and military training applications. Some VR systems used in video games can transmit vibrations and other sensations to the user via the game controller. Virtual reality also refers to remote communication environments which provide a virtual presence of users with through telepresence and teleexistanceor the use of virtual artifact (VA), either through the use of standard input devices such as a keyboard and mouse, or through multimodel devices such as a wired glove or omnidirectional treadmills The immersive environment can be similar to the real world in order to create a lifelike experience—for example, in simulations for pilot or combat training, which depict realistic images and sounds of the world, where the normal laws of physics apply (e.g., in flight simulators), or it can differ significantly from reality, such as in Virtual reality video games that take place in fantasy settings, where gamers can use fictionalmagic and telekinesis powers.


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::::::::::::::::About Bigyan Darshan:::::::::::::::::

Bigyan Darshan is the young nepalese underground poet, song writer and gazalkaar of Bharatpur, Nepal. He was borned in 25 sept. 1997 A.D...

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