Bigyan Darshan is the young nepalese underground poet, song writer and gazalkaar of Bharatpur, Nepal. He was borned in 25 sept. 1997 A.D in Bharatpur city which lies in chitwan district of Nepal. However his early childhood was spent in kalyanpur village of Madi, chitwan. His real name is Bigyan Neupane.
Bigyan lives in Bharatpur, Nepal with his family. He is also the blogger and youtuber. He has the youtube channal named Bigyan Darshan. You can find the poetic videos and other intresting videos in his youtube channal. He is now a student and has comleted upto certificate level (12 class) in science stream from Aroma college. He started his study from Gyandarshan English Boarding School and passed the SLC examination from Amber Everest English Boarding School.
Along with the study , He is also leading his poetic and social activities successfully. He is the founder president of UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENT PERSON GROUP (UIPG). His poetic and literatic journey was started from the age of 8. He has written few stories, poems, gazal and songs from the small age. He is the rising young underdog poet in chitwan. He is sharpening his writting skills specially in gazals. His main aim in literature is to protect the identity of Nepali literature and aware the society against the bad trends. The feelings of patriotism towards the nation is also contianed in his creations. Some religious and philosophic materials are also found in his creations.
Bigyan has interest in multiple fields. Science, technology, religions, philosophy, History, literature, musics and IT are his fields of interests. He dreams to a good poet and Technologist in his life.
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